Day 5: “You are here as a dress rehearsal for the Kingdom”

Welcome to our halfway point — and beyond — in these nine days of grace! For some intuited reason, both Fr. Billy and our presenter, Beth Schaller, wore boots today. Before the liturgy even began, I wondered what realities were being confronted in our journey.

As our Parish’s Family Life Coordinator and as a mother, Beth related the ongoing identity questions some children like hers have: “What color am I?” Listen to how this parent and minister responds by first attending to the story of God, from the perspective of faith and baptismal identity. Our Eucharistic gathering has been blessed with preaching richness over the last four days, and Beth continues this banquet of word among us. Her gift lies in seeing and relating how Christians compassionately view human realities and respond as a God — Jesus — would. Beth’s attunement to “God’s story” is beautifully coherent. Enjoy the feast of this heart-walk!