Day 4: God is in both the brokenness and the beauty

Today’s gospel passage describes the shocking behavior of Jesus who becomes visibly enraged over how the temple in Jerusalem has been compromised. He overturns tables, chases out the animals and upends the transactional nature of the merchants there. 

Fr. Billy, our presider and presenter on this fourth day, relates how in his own life, God comes as more than healer and restorer. God is often involved and engaged on both sides of life’s pivot toward new directions and wholeness. During these last, long months of sickness, failure, fault, loneliness — the multiplicity of brokenness — listen to how Fr. Billy makes sense of Jesus’ actions and his role in our own upheavals. We are led to confront broken realities and find directional truth in defeats, failures, rejections. With God, we can come to know “we are all loved in broken beauty.”