Day 9: How the Novena becomes our own Gospel of love

With nine candles alight, an urn full of petitions from your love expressed in hopes, longings and wishes, and Taize music in the foreground, our ninth day of arrival began with incensing the sacred space of our journey together. Fr. Billy was our presider and presenter today with Katie Hennessy assisting.  

The first reading from Hosea placed us in a blessed verdure of lily, olive and cedar anointed with dew. Fr. Billy, at the beginning of his homily, captured the eight daily stepping stones of beauty that came out of discerning our brokenness in the light of God’s love. Please listen to his own words on why we pray the Novena, how we intercede together, sharing hearts — that shapes our own Gospel here. 

The interlocking of human and divine, God and neighbor, our being and becoming, nature and grace… this dynamic of our Novena is shaped and woven together by God’s Spirit. Thank you all for being part of our communion — for taking the time to be companions, surrendering the personal defenses and excuses, allowing yourselves to connect more authentically both to the Kingdom that is not and the Kingdom that is.

In every age, God is our refuge.

Brokenness and Beauty:  Blessed by a Novena of Grace

Thank you for your attentiveness and care.  Peace!