Day 7: God’s commandments and law as an invitation to love, to find our refuge

Do you ever consider how Jesus thought of God’s covenant with him that was weighted so heavily on law and commandments? How does one grasp the identity of our God when the Old Testament seems so proscriptive with statutes and laws?

Jeanette Grimaldi, with the lens of a spiritual director and the pathos emergent in the prophetic scriptures, uniquely speaks about how the law is God’s way for us to find refuge, to invite us to be in solidarity, to find community under God’s desire for healing, reconciliation and care.

Listening to Jeanette, one can feel that “word” has not only a conceptual content but a texture. Her words are like soft gels mirroring the tender attentiveness of God for those who long, beseech, request, cry out to this one who knows our names. As with all our presenters, these reflections are chock-full responses for these perilous times we inhabit. May you be nourished with this engagement and encouraged!